Why It’s Not Okay to Be White
Taken by George Seibold for the Vermont Cynic
Last spring, flyers with the words “IT’S OKAY TO BE WHITE” began popping up on college campuses across Burlington. Just a little over a month ago, at least one more flyer was found on Champlain College’s campus. The school’s president, Donald Laackman, sent an email to students and faculty, stating that we as a community rejected the message of hatred that these flyers expressed. If someone told me a few years ago that these words had been meant to incite white nationalism, I would’ve been surprised. Because how do you argue against the point that it’s okay to be a skin color?
As a queer person of color, I live in constant fear that I’ll lose my rights. I’m afraid of encountering someone who will walk up to me and say that it’s not okay to be me. I watch the news with bated breath because I wonder what politicians are saying about people like me now. So it’s laughable to see someone say “it’s okay to be white” because nobody ever said it wasn’t. However, there are plenty of people who thought it wasn’t okay to be darker. The current social climate doesn’t exactly help either. When Trump was elected, there were people who thought it was okay to tell people who’ve lived here their whole lives to “go back home.” White neo-Nazis began crawling out of the woodwork to express that they wanted to take America back. In their minds, what makes America “great” is the lack of people of color.
Here’s the other thing about the phrase “It’s okay to be _____”—people like me needed to hear it. Not those specific words, but we needed to hear “It’s okay to be black/gay/trans/etc.” because so many of us were ashamed. It became a pride phrase. Something that instilled pride in our identity. The difference between white and black? I can’t and won’t speak for black people, but they need that phrase because a thing called slavery happened and they don’t know what else to be proud of. They don’t know what parts of Africa their ancestors came from so they have the word black instead. But white people can be proud of their French or Irish heritage and forget about the whiteness that comes with it. Because what’s attached to that whiteness is colonization, slavery, segregation, and racism.
It’s always been okay to be white. But don’t take pride in that. The reason why the rest of us can is because we’ve been told it’s not okay. So we’re taking back the time that we lost. The time we spent being ashamed or trying to hide, we want it back. And we don’t want to be afraid when we step onto campus thinking someone doesn’t want us there. Because we don’t have the time to worry anymore.
Not a white dude. • Nov 5, 2023 at 4:05 PM
I’m not white however, I just want to say it’s ok to be any skin color and it’s ok to take pride in who and what you are. Yes, even white people. Equality means everyone.
Bobo • Sep 29, 2023 at 7:29 PM
It’s comical how the media and community residents have reacted to the simple message “it’s okay to be white” They don’t even get the meaning right.The message is simply giving white people permission to be white in an increasingly anti-white society,that’s all.It’s a message of self-defense.It has nothing to do with “hate”.
A third-generation Irish immigrant • Jul 25, 2023 at 3:45 PM
I think you need to take a look at Irish history before stating it comes with white privilege.
Dave • Jul 12, 2023 at 9:02 AM
It’s ok to be me. I’m white and that’s ok. The only ones who are white and hate themselves are liberals that use politics to divide us as a nation. Even then liberals don’t hate themselves, it’s just popular among the clueless. Like lemmings to the sea.
Jerrod • Jun 13, 2023 at 9:21 AM
To say that its not ok to be of any race whatsoever, is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable.
Humans, as we all are, are born into this world, without a choice.
This headline is disgusting.
If we are going to generalize people, and turn against anything in this world, then we should be turning on BAD PEOPLE, simply put (probably much like the creator of this headline).
Devin O'Shaughnessy • May 28, 2023 at 4:17 PM
You cannot argue that the sentence “it’s ok to be ___” is a positive statement if blank is filled with anything but white. There isn’t any one group that can lay ownership to a phrase. What you don’t realize is this, saying it’s not okay to be white and right in the title of your article, in the face of anyone strolling by on the internet isn’t progressive it’s regressive. The civil rights movement fought for equality and I’m not sure if you know this, but there were quite a few white people standing right beside everyone else fighting against segregation, fighting for the rights of your grand parents. What happened to holding individuals accountable for their own actions instead of making an entire group, labeled by a part of them they can’t change and had no choice in pay the consequences. Two interesting facts that everyone knows but never gets brought up. 1. The people of Africa sold their own people into slavery to the Europeans, not whites. Europeans, because Greeks, Spain, eastern European countries are generally polarized as white. So if you want to blame someone blame your own ancestors and blame Europe and for those who can’t tell I say that satirically. Another fun fact for you, did you know the Irish were enslaved as well? We built the panama canal for free as slaves. Even worse, Irish female slaves were intentionally bred like cattle with black male slaves to produce a lighter skinned offspring cable of better enduring the heat while working in the fields. So as someone who is Irish and you don’t get any whiter skinned toned than the Irish, does my ancestors being enslaved and abused along side you ancestors earn me a spot on the team? I’ll end with this, it’s ok to be different, it’s ok to be black gay Chinese, lesbian brown, bi-sexual, and yes it’s ok to be white. But the more focus that gets put on what makes one group different than the other only serves the purpose to further segregate us, while drawing lines in the sand. The further apart we are the less we see the very things we have in common, the things that could bring us together as a people and that is ultimately what the powers at be want. If you think for a moment that then individual inspiring the divide between isn’t multinational then I’m sorry that you might not be a woke as you think, they only way the same message could be preached to so many different groups all at once keeping us from a united front is if they had someone from every group we’ve broken into. so go ahead it’s your right to feel it’s not okay to be white. I’ll continue to love you nonetheless as i believe it’s ok to be human.
Logic • May 24, 2023 at 12:39 PM
This author has the exact same thought process as any other racist: Establish an out-group based on immutable properties and cast generalizations.
Squidward • May 13, 2023 at 2:47 AM
Listen, I don’t care what race/color/etc you are, we are all human. We all have to share this planet. And with that being said, stereotypes stay alive because people of all races perpetrate them. If black people don’t want to be negatively stereotyped, then the ones who are giving the community a bad name need to stop playing to them. Same thing goes for whites, Hispanics, Asians and everyone else. The band DC Talk said it best in their song “Colored People”, which talks about humanity as a whole.
We’ve gotta come together,
Aren’t we all human after all?
We’re colored people, and we live in a tainted place
We’re colored people, and they call us the human race.
I think we should all live and let live. Don’t spread hate; spread joy, peace and love. We as humans could accomplish so much if we would all work together instead of making war with each other. And I know that sounds like some hippie bullshit, but it’s true. The past is the past. Learn from it, yes…but don’t repeat it.
Katye • Feb 24, 2023 at 3:08 PM
I know this is from a few years ago but this article is so well reasoned and beautifully written that I wanted to give a shout out no matter how long it’s been. I’m white and my friends and I knew as soon as we heard about those signs being posted that it would end up being some right-wing trolls trying to “trigger” an argument. And OMG we were right! Yes, of course it is fine to be white, or brown, or trans, or whatever you happen to have been born. But it’s been pretty easy being white (other things in my life have been harder) and I don’t have to have it validated every time I look at the back of a signpost. I wish people could try to understand the larger context you provided for us and not be so frickin defensive all the time.
Brittany • Dec 30, 2022 at 12:58 PM
It’s okay to be white no matter what and I will fight for it. If it’s okay to be BIPOC its okay to be white too!
Hailey • Jun 16, 2023 at 10:21 PM
I’m glad not to be white. Shameful, disheartening, dangerous, deadly, selfish, not humble … is what that is. Im humble and blessed not to be apart of that mess.
Mal • Aug 5, 2023 at 6:06 PM
How can you literally sit there & say being white is “shameful” & all the other things you said and then say you’re “not apart of that mess” your comment is literally inserting yourself into the “mess”. This flyer has nothing to do with racism it has to do with the overwhelming amount of people like you telling ALL white people no matter who they are what they’ve done or haven’t done that they are terrible people & deserve to be punished just for existing. There are more and more attacks happening on white people just for being their skin color & more and more hateful rhetoric spouted all over social media , going unchecked because “you cannot be racist towards white people”. Literally those who were the victims of racism are now becoming the racists towards whites & any other group that isn’t black. Talking about being oppressed, if you were really oppressed you wouldn’t even be able to address your “oppressors”. People don’t realize but this is literally what they want , they want us divided , they want us to hate each other, they don’t want us to band together, together we are stronger & they know that so they will continue to keep pushing division on us all to distract us from what’s really going on.
Proud to be me, so should you • Sep 20, 2022 at 2:29 PM
“But white people can be proud of their French or Irish heritage and forget about the whiteness that comes with it. Because what’s attached to that whiteness is colonization, slavery, segregation, and racism.”
I am French and Irish and I take PRIDE in it. Don’t you or anyone else tell me not to. I am proud of the culinary skills and traditions from my heritage and I can do anything I want. BLACK people can take DNA tests and learn about their heritage and rich background as well. Africa is an amazing continent with all the riches in the world. There is much pride to be had there. The culinary and traditions, style and music. Be PROUD.
Michelle • Sep 2, 2022 at 11:11 AM
“So it’s laughable to see someone say ‘it’s okay to be white’ because nobody ever said it wasn’t.”
Bruh the title of your article is “Why it’s not okay to be white”
Roland • Apr 24, 2022 at 8:13 PM
Here in Tennessee isn’t even that bad compared to other places. I live in Tennessee right now but when I lived in Connecticut the racism against whites was much worse.
Andy • Apr 18, 2022 at 12:34 PM
You shouldn’t be proud of anything you had no choice or hand in.
Chad • Feb 8, 2022 at 4:33 PM
I’m proud to be white.
Brittany • Dec 6, 2021 at 12:13 PM
I love being white and I know it’s okay to be white without thinking or believing is a racial supremacy way. I find it funny that black people that are proud of there racial identity are free to say “Black Power” when that is on par with “White Power” being racist. Stop with the double standard, be proud of your history, cultures and heritage. Love one another.
Brian • Dec 4, 2021 at 12:19 AM
You think I know what part of Europe I cam from? I have no clue. Enough with the fake black victimhood. Saying it’s okay to be white isn’t racist. It’s a direct response to the shaming of people for being white. Saying things like “white privilege” and other nonsense. I’m white and not ashamed and nobody’s skin color automatically makes them deserving of empathy either. I’m not an oppressor because I’m white and you aren’t a victim because you are black. We all can be oppressed or victimized regardless of our skin.
LionMight • Sep 14, 2022 at 9:37 PM
Exactly, and interestingly enough, just about every race to turns as slaves. The slavery everyone talks about, the one that brought them over to America, lasted less than 300 years. Whites were enslaved for 600 years just by one area. But no one recognizes it
S. Gibbs • Dec 3, 2021 at 1:16 AM
Well said.
God • Nov 30, 2021 at 7:56 PM
Don’t tell me what to take pride in.
Tomas • Nov 22, 2021 at 3:32 PM
That is the corniest thing I have ever heard. People need to stop worrying about what other people are thinking and doing and worry about themselves it’s OK to be whatever you are And that’s what makes America great.
James Conley • Sep 3, 2021 at 3:54 PM
I’m really proud of the fact that my people and ancestors (white) have created this great country.
Ash Rider • Dec 19, 2022 at 6:19 PM
The native Americans were not white. Whites didn’t “create” this great county, they colonized it.
Maxx King • Dec 30, 2022 at 11:09 AM
White people 100% did create this country. Whether your ego will allow you to see basic facts is no one’s responsibility but your own. There were ‘native’ people living everywhere, all over the world, before being taken over by another group of people all though out time. That’s the history of the planet you live on and the human race you belong to. And it will continue to happen regardless of your feelings towards it. You can’t change that.
Native Americans invaded and took over other Native American’s land. So that’s OK? But if a white person does it then you feel it’s wrong? Why? How about Mongols taking over China? How about the Assyrians taking over Israel? Those are 2 quick examples of one race taking over land from another race. Are those ok with you? Have you thought about your position clearly? You can’t change history, and you certainly can’t control anyone else but yourself. You CAN read and learn about history and figure out why people do the things they do, to get a better understanding of something you can’t change.
Little Aces • Aug 19, 2023 at 10:29 PM
White people had a great hand. Much of the labor was of course off the back of slaves, Black and others including whites. White people didn’t make America what it is today, nearly 300 years of a melding pot culture that welcomed immigrants and celebrated them. This is the cornerstone of America, and what it was meant to be. No one race, ethnicity, class, creed, etc but a winning combination of all who showed up ready to contribute.
Beau • Aug 10, 2021 at 9:28 PM
I don’t want to be rude so I’ll be as nice as possible here and keep it short. I am whit and was raised around and with a diverse group of people. Where I’m from is very diverse and I got along with and was friends with people of all races but this argument about being proud to be white is crazy. I am extremely proud of being white and will voice that. Every race has culture including whites and every race should be proud of what and who they are and celebrate it. I’m my experience blacks have been extremely racist towards whites. I used to walk to school and fight several times a week because I was white in a more black neighborhood. This article makes me sick. I am not racist. I am proud to be white
Tomas • Nov 22, 2021 at 3:34 PM
I agree.
Brian • Dec 4, 2021 at 12:21 AM
Charles Stanfiel • Jun 25, 2021 at 2:43 PM
People in “minority” groups are fond of saying that they are stereotyped, pigeonholed, etc.; and then turn around and do the EXACT same thing to others. ALL whites are racist, All whites are responsible for slavery, All…i could go on ad nauseum. Of course, there’s racism, in all races. Go back far enough in history and you’ll find virtually EVERY group was downtrodden. This is not to say that we should not recognize racist behavior where it DOES exist and eliminate it, but to automatically assume the worst in someone speaks very loudly of your qualities.
Concerned Party • Jun 18, 2021 at 12:11 AM
This article raises some good points. Whereas white people (such as myself) were never told that there is anything wrong with being so, those of other races have not historically had the same arm of acceptance extended to them. I understand that, and can at the very least be grateful of two things: 1- That I have the fortune of being a race that has not endured discrimination to any severe degree, and 2- That we live in a time where other races are offered the same acceptance having acknowledged the wrong in this way of thinking.
That being said, my issue is the leap from “It’s okay to be _____”—people like me needed to hear it. Not those specific words, but we needed to hear “It’s okay to be black/gay/trans/etc.” because so many of us were ashamed”.
To this idea that taking PRIDE in their particular race is somehow connected to acceptance of that race.
Acceptance of things such as race, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc., are not bad. For these groups of people it can really help them come to terms with belonging to a group of people that have been told for so long that they don’t belong, or that something is inherently wrong with [fill in the blank].
Taking PRIDE in these things though, is something entirely different. It suggests more than acceptance, but that there’s something special about belonging to either one of these groups. This is an issue. Taking pride in something that one has no control over is not only silly, but when it comes to a topic such as pride in ones race, it can be very dangerous. It’s this kind of thinking that contributed to the racism that African Americans faced in the past and still face today to varying degrees.
My underlying point is this: While it certainly is okay to teach acceptance of things such as race and gender identity, etc., it certainly doesn’t pay to teach pride for these things. Feeling special, or superior due to something that one has no control over is simply put, silly and ignorant. What should be and is enough is the understanding that regardless of race, no one person is better or lesser than another. What makes a person great isn’t his or her skin color, or his or her preference of sexual partner, but what that person does in his or her life time, and how that person treats other people during it.
Maxx King • Dec 30, 2022 at 11:14 AM
I love every bit of this comment. Thank you!
Noble Savage • Mar 23, 2021 at 12:49 PM
Yes white people are often being told it’s not ok to be white (or straight, or male) by the media today.
And yes some of us do need to hear that it’s ok to be white when most of what we hear is demonisation.
Neitha Vladd • Mar 21, 2021 at 10:29 PM
@Eva Shaw, I too am a whyte and would spit on my ancestors if I could. You are not alone. You articulated certain feelings and withholdings and learnings I am also hoping to move through in a way that serves. Bless you and stay joyfully tenacious in the movement for love.
@Author: I agree that taking pride in “white” identity is strange. Race is a false categorization of people with certain DNA, so really none of us should be “proud” of race, because it was invented by a bunch of crusty European cis guys who wanted to prove they were better than everyone else, meanwhile having significant Neanderthal DNA %’s, so whatever they were measuring was pretty fake and abstract and groundless. I think people of color and descendant-survivors of American slavery, AS WELL as the modern day slavery occurring in our prisons and detention centers, as well as the genocide in the streets by our police, MUST be given reparations–not only financial, but cultural, moral, interpersonal, infrastructural, environmental, health and safety, nutritional, housing, and fulfillment of other demands and requests. I think that people of color built this country, and their vibrancy in our communities must be centered and celebrated. It’s okay to be white, but it’s not where the conversation should center at this point. We all have a responsibility to learn about our own ancestries and process our ancestral traumas. Need I say that again for the “wHaT aBoUt tHe iRiSh” people in the back?
Good opinion piece and great info. Bookmarked it for my class 🙂
Littleaces • Aug 19, 2023 at 7:07 PM
I’m sorry but the social construct of race was already well established before the keeping of history. It’s a natural phenomenon to prejudge situations, people, etc. it is a survival mechanism. Where it becomes bad is when people are indoctrinated with hateful views, as well as a sense of pride in as you yourself said something one is born as that they have no control over. It creates this radical us vs them mentality. It can be argued that this is the human condition, but that’s no excuse to not do better. Hating someone for being “crusty European and omgg so cis” is hardly enlightened and does nothing for your argument.
Roy • Mar 21, 2021 at 6:37 PM
I love being white, western people owe nothing to anyone, we have nothing to apologize for.
We should speak up and start public debates centered around the fact that there is nothing morally wrong with wanting to maintain a white majority in the countries we founded and built. We have to learn from the Japanese and be totally unapologetic and proud.
Lightning Warrior • Dec 6, 2020 at 11:39 PM
This comment is a response to the user above, “Yes you’re mad because you’re a black girl”
First of all your user name itself really shows how racist you are so that in of itself followed by everything you wrote furthervproves you are the REAL racist here and your intentions. It is indeed YOU that hate black people.
Next I don’t want to hear that bullshit argument about black people selling themselves as slaves, white people ain’t been through shit. White people are not victims and white people like YOU are what’s wrong with amerikkka. White people like you can never take responsibility at all and blame black people and use STEREOTYPES to justify your racist claims which is PATHETIC AF. Of corse your racist white eyes can’t see reality of how oppressed black people really are because you choose to not see it or admit to it. Black people are opressed now at an alarming rate and your HATRED for black people explains why you you believe otherwise. The pathetic argument of Having a black president is rediculous. That does not mean oppression and discrimination against black people magically went away. In fact it got worst. Obama legit got DEATH THREATS!! Also he’s the First black president out of 43 white presidents and all of the sudden you think that makes racism goes away, give me a break. Of corse you have no white guilt because you a heartless white supremacists who cares about no one but white people. We don’t need your guilt, I don’t give a shit but what your not going to do is degrade my people and dismiss our suffering that’s still present today. You wanna know why Black people haven’t been have to progress, it’s because of SYSTEMATIC RACISM that you can’t see if you tried because it’s an unearned invisible advantage EVERY white person has and if you took a second to research you would know why that is. Systematic racism holds black people back and racist individuals like yourself can’t comprehend that because you never had to. Black people CAN be successful BUT how can we when theres a racist system that works against us. It’s white peoples culture to blame black people for EVERYTHING when it is in fact WHITE PEOPLE who makes everyone’s life ESPECIALLY black peoples lives a living hell. Your attitude is the problem and you are the prime example of why racism is alive today. You blame black people left and right and use the racist streotype of “single black mother’s” thinking your making a point. You don’t know SHIT about black people and that’s another problem you have, if you did you wouldn’t resort to using stereotypes and false statistics. You said it’s black peoples fault that we have high crime rates. Black people do not have a high crime rate and it’s been confirmed several times by the FBI. White people are the ones with the highest crimes and have yet to do something about their high rate of white one white crime that everyone loves to ignore. White people are violent and is the race with the highest crimes, most gruesome crimes, racially motivated crimes and they get covered up by white America and your racist pet pigs. Police go out of their way to harass black people going about their day and push the narrative that black people are violent thugs. White people are the violent thugs and we got cases and cases of proof that the media and police cover up to save your white asses. Yes it is white peoples faults because you got us in this shit and I have never seen a more disrespectful, hate-filled, inhumane, delusional, childish and pathetic group of people like yourselves. There is nothing wrong with what the writer said and your mad because your race is blamed because they are. Why is it so hard to take responsibility, I know, white people don’t know how to take responsibility and they don’t know how to deal with being called out on their actions so they Blame black people to avoid doing it. I think you have a real problem with black people and what have black people done to you? Nothing!! White people are masters at calling everyone racist but themseleves. Your fucked up mindset is exactly why “it’s okay to be white” shouldn’t be posted!! I bet you have a problem with “it’s okay to be black” too!! The difference between the two is black people are shamed to this day and told we don’t belong in our own country. White people have never been told that. That’s the difference. I love white people but it’s frustrating when each and every day I come across people like you that slowly but surely make me more and more uncomfortable with being black in America and make me feel self-conscious around white people in my day to day life. So you can miss me with that disrespect and I refuse to let your racist comment linger without being addressed!!! It’s a shame in 2020 I have to address white people like you to this day. You do take after your ancestors mentality I will say that much and it’s honestly sad. Find a hobby and drop the white people are victims shit. I love white people but I don’t like you!!
Lee • Jun 3, 2023 at 6:01 AM
Please learn how to read statistics. Black people are 12 percent of the population so that means that more white ppl will do everything. There are much more of us. Duh!! It’s like me being a southern girl and going to Japan and wondering why there aren’t more white southern girls in power. Is it that hard to understand?
Angela • Nov 13, 2020 at 11:09 AM
“Everyone” should be proud of themselves. All God’s creations. Let’s stop the nonsense – our shared planet is heating up and people in hot climates are very vulnerable. The worst is yet to come. Let’s
Stop the racist talk and get on with it. Racism is everywhere, China, Japan, Africa, India….get a grip world! Canada is actually the most tolerant nation on earth – other nations need to follow its example.
Erin Shaw • Sep 24, 2020 at 2:56 PM
I understand this and I’ll never go around saying it’s ok to be white and I will be an ally on the terms of BIPOC, not on my own and I will listen not talk. I’ll speak only for a couple of minutes now to admit how empty it makes me feel to not have a cultural history to be proud of, to know that my British and French heritage holds colonization and slavery connotations and that’s all that really matters. I feel alone and ashamed with no ancestors that I can admire. I’m sure it’s true that this unanchored feeling is similar to marginalized groups having their cultural roots taken away and it’s just the pendulum swinging back to equalize things. I don’t need to have attention, and I don’t need my problems to matter but if it makes a difference to anyone who experiences bigotry, if it gives hope or provides any relief – I have done my best, I will continue to do so, and I hope I’m believed when I say that I try to listen adjust accordingly, help where I can and I swear that I genuinely want equity in the world, and I want to show love and respect to the movement to end racial injustice. If that’s white fragility, I suppose I can live with that – and if my words don’t help, feel free to discard them. I can deal with my discomfort.
Luz Mec • Sep 4, 2020 at 5:18 PM
So this seems interesting to me – I feel like the phrase ‘it’s okay to be white,’ is meant to make me say it’s not okay to be white, which I am not saying. But I think that the baggage that comes with saying I’m proud to be white is unnecessary, but it has always been like that due to the connotations it evokes, especially with the segregation and systemic racism still in American society. Now, I dislike comparisons with other white groups who were enslaved or similar. That’s bad. But we’re not telling Jews to ‘get over the Holocaust,’ right? Also, what is considered white now was very different, due to race being a social construct – European immigrants were considered not ‘white,’ so I feel that’s where the idea of ‘proud to be Italian, Irish, etc’ comes from – instead of subsections of white.
But my main argument against the ‘okay to be white’ thing is – Blackness is a thing, because of systemic discrimination and racism – segregation has meant they have close, though impoverished, communities – whilst ‘whiteness,’ at least to me (mixed btw) doesn’t seem to be as much of a thing, a culture you could even say (though culture as an argument against systemic racism and police brutality is flawed), perhaps due to the more different income and wealth tiers white people fill. Blackness has come to be a thing, whilst whiteness as a concept has not arisen.
Other thing is, context matters. nobody is trying to say it isn’t okay to be white – and you individually don’t have to feel responsible or guilty for ancestors 50 yrs+ back. But saying ‘it’s okay to be white,’ has arisen in such a context that it feels opposed to the racial justice movements – which its timing makes it seem racist – it’s okay to be white, but that sounds like it’s trying to discredit something – and the fashion and time at which the phrase arose makes it seem racist. The phrase Black Lives Matter or proud to be Black for example, is not out there to discredit hardships some white people face or that you shouldn’t be proud to be white – that is not the intention nor should the phrase, due to context, really be implying that. However, proud to be white feels disingenuous, a feeble counter (like ALM), that is interpreted as exclusive or blind to the systemic injustice and racism Black and other groups face. Also, a good point raised by someone here mentioned how it’s pretty much always been ok to be white – which is true – the ‘proud to be Black’ isn’t meant to be exclusive because it is meant to highlight how it hasn’t always been okay to be Black, how the effects still ring true in America – it brings awareness to to ‘Black culture’ and its diversity – which is something I don’t feel rings as true (existence of ‘white culture’).
Also, I’d like to address white slavery, or the Barbary slave trade – the Atlantic trade was much larger first (and brought a ton of slaves to Brazil) – the trans-Saharan slave trade is probably a fairer comparison – but then we have to distinguish whether it was race-based or religious, of which the trans-saharan was the latter (also there’s a huge ? over the race of North Africans.) the Atlantic one was initially religiously justified, but was later a race-based trade, and therefore heritable. Whilst the Barbary trade had an escape route through conversion to Islam – so slave descendants there were pretty equal with Arabs. However, race-based Atlantic – you cant convert to white, so \_(‘^’)_/ go figure (later then systemic racism). Also, it was sort of a big thing between muslims and christians – muslims had jews and christians as second class citizens, whilst christians forced muslims to either convert or die – and I mean, quite a few Barbary sailors were european islam converts.
Luz Mec
cory • Jun 29, 2020 at 3:26 PM
Well you’ve never been white, so it’s weird for you to speak as if you have had that experience. How do you know that we feel it’s okay to be white? Obviously a number of people weren’t feeling that way, which is why the flyers were produced.
I’ve never been black so I can’t comment on any aspect of what it would be like. But I can tell you, especially in 2020, being white is not particularly comfortable. If I feel like embracing my nationality and being proud of being white, I would almost certainly be attacked online and maybe even physically.
When I’m around people of other races, I used to think absolutely nothing of it, and maybe that was white privilege.. the fact that I could actually ignore race.. because you guys didn’t have that privilege.. but I can’t help but think you could ignore it, if not for being brought up with the idea that you’re going to be mistreated by society. And maybe you have been mistreated. Again I haven’t been black so I can’t say what the experience is like.
Nevertheless, I don’t always feel like it’s okay to be white… At all.
Just help one another • Jun 27, 2020 at 1:41 PM
I love you all and hope we can find peace and common ground.
Yes you’re mad because you’re a black girl • Jun 21, 2020 at 1:58 PM
So black people didn’t sell other black people as slaves? You’re everything wrong with the fight for civil rights. You’re a racist that hates whites and believes we’ve bm never faced difficulty or oppression. The level of oppression towards black people in America today is so minuscule it’s not even funny. You literally just had a back president for two full terms. I have no white guilt whatsoever. Black people have been free to run their continent for some time now and they haven’t progressed whatsoever. You’re race doesn’t emphasis progression. It emphasis blaming others for any issues you have. It’s never the black persons fault that they have disproportionate rates of violent crimes and single mothers. No that’s wypipos fault right? You and this writer seem to be a little lost. I think the root.com is your place to racially insult and discuss your “systemic racism”
cant stand anyone these days • Jun 20, 2020 at 9:51 AM
So let me get this straight….
There can be a “Black Lives Matter”. A “Defund the Police”. Both of which can be easily taken out of context, and/or their meaning misunderstood.
And there are those who do voice clarification. “Defund the Police does NOT mean….”, or “Yes, of course ALL live matter, but BLM is a statement that….”
Yet, with “Its OK to be white”, there is no wiggle room. No benefit of the doubt. Nothing like “huh, OK, what do you mean by that”. Judge, jury and executioner have already spoken and determined that it’s not OK for this statement to be displayed.
And, angry black girl said “minorities are being oppressed in America”…..oh really? Could it rather be that some people can’t avoid getting into trouble with the law, and then blame that on ‘oppression’? Why are Asians VASTLY under-represented in any of these national spotlight fiascos? Could it be that sub-culture societies bring problems on themselves by their lifestyle choices and values?
If there is oppression, its just that there is a demand to live freely of laws, and to enjoy lawlessness.
not just an angry black girl • Feb 6, 2020 at 11:14 PM
these comments are valid but quite frankly ridiculous.
first, we’re talking about AMERICA right now. minorities are being oppressed in America, so we need these phrases, to let us know that we’re okay and still standing. in AMERICA, white people have ALWAYS been at the top of the food chain. y’all don’t need an ‘it’s okay to be white’ phrase because it’s ALWAYS been okay to be white (in America). you can’t say to same for marginalized communities. to this day. it’s not that hard of a concept to grasp.
Littleaces • Aug 19, 2023 at 7:40 PM
I absolutely agree that for a white person who has never had to deal with being profiled over skin color. Had that ruin court outcomes, ability to earn and maintain credit(especially when you are poor to start,), have landlords change their minds when they hear your last name or otherwise find out you are not white. Being able to deny that all of this happens and worse solely based upon racism is white privilege. Being able to pick and choose when and where you can acknowledge the small things in your life that your probably don’t even see as benefits. It’s difficult for people to understand, and it’s not implying that white people across the board have it east and that as a collective group are responsible for all of these terrible racist things that happen. In defense of white people I can definitely say in the media I have seen probably since I was born in the 80s on that in mainstream pop culture, and in areas where white people are the minority they do get messed with a lot, jumped or put down for being a white boy, a bolillo whatever. Hopefully we can reach a point where affirmative statements directed toward any race do not evoke such strong reactions as they do in these divisive days we live in.
Fawn • Oct 29, 2019 at 9:01 AM
Okay. So Irish people were oppressed by the British. Quite people oppressing white people. Guess where they came? To America. To change their name, and continue the cycle of oppression, only standing behind the label of ‘white’ this time. Moreover, at least you know they’re Irish. And you don’t have to use white as an all inclusive term for pale and fair skinned people. Next. “Moors” … isn’t that a derogatory term for Muslim people? Funny that. Because in the example you brought up, when they were named that, it wasn’t only given to dark skinned Muslims, it was a name Europeans came up with for all Muslims, including white European Muslims, which yeah, totally a thing… it’s not tied to ethnicity so I see where your head is at. Next. The whole white devil thing? Idk much about that but it sounds like more religious garbage. And white Christianity has a lot of that. Have you even heard of manifest destiny? Religions been used to pin humans against each other since the beginning of time. Next. I agree with the rest of your statements. However, understand that a near 300 years of oppression is dangerous. So much so that there are black people who hate themselves, and genuinely feel their inferior and there are idiot hick whites who think they’re genuinely superior. Notice I said idiot. Most educated white people are very aware of the political climate and the disgusting history of systematic racism in America. It’s ok to white and it’s ok to be black. The difference is I’m proud of my ancestors and what they’ve pushed through to get me to where I am today. I know a lot of white people arent proud of their ancestors, but instead of pushing back and saying “It’s still ok to be white” (and it is), try making your descendants proud, instead of this icky white-guilt, your ancestors left you. You shouldn’t be guilty for being white. But don’t act as if whites and blacks have had the same experience in America.
LittleAces • Aug 19, 2023 at 7:28 PM
In a certain rather divisive branch of islam it is taught that a black scientist by the name of Yakub genetically engineered white people. And yes white peoples are viewed as subhuman demons in this religious sect. It’s worth noting they represent a radical minority. The majority of Islamic people do not believe this. However, the content taught by this sect is without a doubt racist and hateful to a frightening extent
Bill • Jul 28, 2019 at 7:47 PM
“Because what’s attached to that whiteness is colonization, slavery, segregation, and racism.”
Yeah, because no people of other races or ethnicities ever had any of these.
A • Jul 19, 2019 at 1:41 AM
You talk about the Irish like they were never oppressed.
A Students • May 11, 2019 at 8:48 PM
“Because what’s attached to that is whiteness is colonization, slavery, segregation, and racism. It’s always been okay to be white, But don’t take pride in that.” So, because I was born a white person, I am now a part of slavery, racism, segregation, and colonization. I am the one who did that. 100%.